About Us

                About Us

                Enterprises University of Pretoria (Enterprises UP) is a private company wholly owned by the University of Pretoria. Enterprises UP was established in 2000 in the form of two separate entities; Business Enterprises at the University of Pretoria (Pty) Ltd (BE at UP) focussing on advisory services and commercial research and Continuing Education at the University of Pretoria Trust (CE at UP) offering short courses.  In 2016, the various entities were consolidated into one company Enterprises University of Pretoria (Pty) Ltd (Enterprises UP).

                We are a proudly Southern-African business entity that since 2016 has conducted work in 117 countries around the world. Closer to home, on an annual basis, we conduct work in Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia and other countries in Africa.  Annually we also receive between 400-500 international delegates that attend our training programmes in South Africa. 

                Nothing brings us more excitement and joy than living out our vision of being a Business Solutions partner of choice.  When engaging our clients and delegates in a classroom and/or workgroup setting, our main purpose is simply to transfer knowledge in an applied manner.  We believe that a key outcome of following this approach is that we can infuse decision-making about many issues pertaining to our country’s socioeconomic needs. 

                Annually we deliver in excess of 1000 projects to our diverse client base and in this process, we have become a trusted partner of choice for many private sector companies and public institutions in South Africa, Southern Africa and abroad.